ActKnowledge Publications

“PACE Theory of Change: Discussion Paper”
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“Building Bright Futures: A Pathway to Well-Being for Children and Families: Progress, Plans and Potential”
This report by ActKnowledge exemplifies the way in which a Collective Impact initiative can be conceptualized and practically implemented using a Theory of Change. Go To Link

We are happy to announce the inclusion of a chapter in the French Publication Playdoyer-Pour-Une-Ecole-Communautaire by Heléne Clark and Eoin Collins (2014) ‘Evaluation Design and Implementation Considerations in School Settings: Using a Theory of Change Approach’. In Plaidoyer pour une école communautaire / Making a case for community schools – Nathalie S. Trépanier (Éditions Nouvelles). Go To Link

Evaluation Report
Results of the First Three Years of Full Service Community Schools in Paterson.
Prepared by Muamer Rasic, Eoin Collins, and Helene Clark Download PDF

Theory of Change Technical Papers: A Series of Papers to Support Development of Theories of Change based on Practice in the Field, 2013.
These technical papers from ActKnowledge by Dr. Dana Taplin, Dr. Heléne Clark, Eoin Collins and David Colby cover core components of the concept of Theory of Change and key requirements for its effective implementation. The papers are based on the extensive experience of ActKnowledge in developing and implementing Theory of change in a variety of settings across the world. Download PDF

Facilitators Source Book on the Theory of Change Process (2012)

By Dr. Dana Taplin and Muamer Rasic.
This is a resource for experienced facilitators on facilitating the process of developing a Theory of Change.
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Theory of Change: The Basics, 2012.

By Dr. Dana Taplin and Dr. Heléne Clark.
This is a condensed basic primer covering key elements of the process of developing a Theory of Change.
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Program Evaluation for Human Rights Organizations. 2013.
A Presentation by Dr. Heléne Clark to Conference, New York, 2013, hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and others, see conference program. Download PDF

Intervention Logic and Theories of Change: What are they, how to build them and how to use them.
A Presentation by Dr. Heléne Clark to the EU Community of Practice Results Based Management Conference 2012. Download PDF

Supporting Young People to Make Change Happen: A Review of Theories of Change, 2013.
This joint Working Paper, by ActKnowledge and Oxfam Australia, provides a synthesis of some key lessons and evidence internationally on how best to support young people to create positive, equitable and sustainable change in different contexts (Attached). Download PDF

Schoolyard Playground Evaluation, the Trust for Public Land, New York City Playgrounds Program (2011).
Led by Dr. Dana Taplin of ActKnowledge, this comprehensive evaluation report examined the impact of playground regeneration on schools and communities. It found a significant gender impact of playground improvement with marked increases in use by girls as a result of new design elements. (Attached). Download PDF

The Media Justice Fund of the Funding Exchange (2009).
This is the report of the evaluation of funding to grassroots groups working in the field of media justice across the US funded by the Media Justice Fund. Download PDF

Considering Evaluation: Thoughts for Social Change and movement Building Groups (2010).
By Catherine Borgman-Arboleda & Helene Clark Download PDF

Process is Powerful: Planning and Evaluation for Media Activists (2010).
By Aliza Dichter, Rachel Kulick, Catherine Borgman-Arboleda and Helene Clark
A publication by the Center for International Media Action“Process Is Powerful” is practical guide from the Center for International Media Action that presents case studies, tools, tips and lessons on how to use planning and evaluation to strengthen media change work. Download PDF